Sinead - Level 3 Early Years Educator Apprentice - Case Study

Before enrolling onto our Level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeship Sinead was working at Boys and Girl’s nursery. Upon discussing progression opportunities, she was referred to us directly through her nursery. Here’s some of what she had to say:

I have currently been working in Boys and Girl’s nursery, beginning my Level 3 Childcare with Swift this April. I have settled into the pre toddler room well and have bonded with all the children who come through each day.

I have discovered the many components involved in looking after each child including dietary preferences, allergies and care plans associated with each child and the correct way to serve food and care for each child. I have been changing nappies and have been taught how to safely do this, understanding certain markings including Mongolian spots which may appear concerning without the knowledge of what they are.

I am writing incident and accident forms where I have been a witness and have completed my first aid enabling me to apply first aid when needed, also calling parents for head bumps and other accidents where it might be necessary. When using the garden, I understand that it must be checked and signed each time which I have been doing ensuring the gate is secure and the garden is safe and clear of obstruction.

Challenges I have faced through my role includes making sure I know each child’s dietary requirements when serving a large group of 20 children lunch, making sure they are seated served and cleaned ready for home or sleep, I relied on lots of teamwork in my first few weeks and am now confident in this role.

I have found timing and routine can be unsettled if there may be an accident or many unsettled children and try to help other staff by taking over their role and this is reciprocated should I be in this situation. I enjoy spending time doing activities with the children including messy play and watching them learn new words and actions especially during circle time.”

Sinead would like to use this opportunity as an apprentice to gain a better understanding of the sector and help her to progress into a senior role. She states, “I have been given lots of information and this has helped me to understand what the actual childcare course entails and put me in the right direction of what I should be studying.”

We are excited to work with Sinead to provide her with the support and knowledge to develop her career in childcare.

If you would like to upskill your staff, please visit our employer’s page and get in touch with us today.

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Maryam Qadri

16th May

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